With over 50 years in the pizza business, Round Table Pizza decided to enter into the Fast Casual pizza segment with the launch of their new concept, Fresh Pixx. It was an exciting entry into a segment that has become extremely popular by leveraging a variety of customization options and an 800 degree oven that cooks pizzas in 3 minutes. We were brought onboard to help establish the brand and build an online identity appealing to a younger demographic.
Round Table Pizza
Fresh Pixx: A New Concept for An Established Brand

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Since one of the important goals was to appeal to a younger demo, we had to make sure that the site performed flawlessly across multiple platforms and devices. The responsive strategy was paramount to our approach coupled with large, inviting and delicious photography that had to be optimized to get the necessary performance.
Responsive Web Design (RWD)
User Experience Design (UX)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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“It was an honor working with some really talented people on a new concept for a brand that I’ve personally been a big fan of since I was a kid. Every Friday was pizza after the game. Projects like these are why I got into this business.”
Jason Weamer, Creative & Technical Director